Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kids Make Such a Mess!

These kids..they make such a mess! 

The laundry is always piling up-the number of loads that one tiny infant can create is crazy!!  The toys, with their extra attachments and little pieces..seem to get everywhere-and don't EVEN get me started on those (insert sarcasm) fun little plastic snappy building toys that always end up under your foot in the dark! It doesn't get better as they get older either...

Seriously, is it that difficult to put away the dirty clothes, or clean off the bathroom counter??  They do hang up their towels, so I'm thankful. :)

From the moment we find out they exist, their mess fills our home, mind, and most of all-our heart. We are so much better for it.
My girls, T & C, have decorated their bedroom walls with a mess of things they love.

C has artwork she's done and tons of pictures all over her room! Her bed is never made, but she does much more. We are so, so proud of who she is-inside and out. :)

T's walls are filled with musical posters, artwork, notes from friends, and lots of pictures. T has also started getting things together for the big move to college in September. I'm really going to miss this girl, and all of her messes. For all of the times in the last 18-1/2 years that I've been irritated for the mess this girl has made..I'm a million times over more thankful for every single moment.

Thank you for touring our mess tonight. Tonight, I close with a picture of my college-bound girl and I, right after she caught me taking pictures of her messy room.

Big hugs ~ <3

Friday, April 17, 2015

To New Beginnings..

Sometimes I feel as if I'm an old record, repeating the same phrase over and over again. I'd assume it's to be expected this year for our family, along with all of the other 2015 HS graduates heading to college in the Fall.

I've worked for 8 years at a position in an office where no conflict ever saw a resolution. It was an environment I struggled daily in.

When a call came in to me regarding a new position opening up in a different office, with a much smaller staff, I jumped on it. Some similar work, but a completely different office style and environment.

On my first day, my new desk had been completely stocked with anything I could have needed, along with a flower and "Welcome" note! It was such a touching way to take me in as one of their own, and I immediately knew I'd made the right decision to work there!

God brought me to them at one of the lowest points in my life. He is so Good! They each want the others to succeed, and are so incredibly loyal to one another. What a blessing they've been to my life, and I've only just gotten there!

Remember what a difference you can make in someone's life by giving them a 'cup of smiles' they'll be likely to carry for the rest of the day, maybe longer-better yet-they'll share it!

Big hugs~<3