These kids..they make such a mess!
From the moment we find out they exist, their mess fills our home, mind, and most of all-our heart. We are so much better for it.
Big hugs ~ <3
Read on if you dare.. to remember that life is too short to live alone, or to live without forgiveness or laughter.. So feel free to stop by, laugh at some off-the-wall humor that is my day to day experience and please keep your comments positive.. Lifeis2short4me anyway to experience any more negative than I have to. :)
Sometimes I feel as if I'm an old record, repeating the same phrase over and over again. I'd assume it's to be expected this year for our family, along with all of the other 2015 HS graduates heading to college in the Fall.
I've worked for 8 years at a position in an office where no conflict ever saw a resolution. It was an environment I struggled daily in.
When a call came in to me regarding a new position opening up in a different office, with a much smaller staff, I jumped on it. Some similar work, but a completely different office style and environment.
On my first day, my new desk had been completely stocked with anything I could have needed, along with a flower and "Welcome" note! It was such a touching way to take me in as one of their own, and I immediately knew I'd made the right decision to work there!
God brought me to them at one of the lowest points in my life. He is so Good! They each want the others to succeed, and are so incredibly loyal to one another. What a blessing they've been to my life, and I've only just gotten there!
Remember what a difference you can make in someone's life by giving them a 'cup of smiles' they'll be likely to carry for the rest of the day, maybe longer-better yet-they'll share it!
Big hugs~<3
Every January 1st, we switch the calendars out on our desktops or walls, and wait for some sort of "Poof" moment. The moment in which you feel as if you are starting fresh, without the issues that transpired on dates from that old calendar.
Some of us make resolutions and gym memberships are purchased like crazy! We swear to ourselves that we will go at least five days a week. Then....two, maybe (if we're really good) four weeks later, this or that needs taken care of first and we'd really like the extra 30 minutes of sleep.
Last year, I chose a word to live by in 2014. It's a learning process, but I think I am getting better at giving my "Presence" to whomever I'm with. I am picking with picking a word for 2015.
When reviewing last year, I decided to pick what described it... The one word I would use to describe my year is "Overwhelming".
Getting my first child ready for college has been an experience. We've done the tours, applications, she's been approved, but because she is a music education major, she still has to audition and be accepted in their music program. Her top two choices are the only ones she is auditioning for, and I am so excited to see what's in store for her.
My second and youngest, started high school this year. Her transition from Middle School couldn't have gone better. She's very involved with different groups and organizations, and I really think that helped her. The girl makes me smile every single day, regardless of the circumstances. She is pure JOY, and everyone around her can't help but catch it!
The day before Thanksgiving, our family lost a sweet 17 year-old girl, whom we all love. She's like a sister to my kids, and her Mom is my dearest friend. We spent hours talking about the bright future she had ahead of her. I'd just talked to her that afternoon. It still seems impossible-too horrible for it to be true. She and I have a lot of the same favorites, from books, movies, TV shows, even our love for owls. Her mom is her best friend. I say "is" instead of "was" when speaking of her because if you spent time with her, you'd realize that she gave a piece of herself back to you. So I think of her living on, in the hearts and minds of all who love her. There are so many who've been forever changed by her and her friendship. I'm grateful to be one of those blessed people, and my girls are too. I am sharing a picture of her with my girls, taken during one of our shopping adventures.
I seem to be in the rush hour of my life. There have been many times in which I find myself wishing the next rest stop was close by, that I could take a break from the rush hour traffic and run away.
Then I remember this life is so short, and I stop, take a deep breathe, and sit back to enjoy the spectacular view.
Big (hugs)~